Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wuyishan - 28-29 Sep

Saturday, 28 September - seventh day in a row on the bike - 130 and a bit today making a total of 825 km since Shanghai. Trust me, we're ready for a day off. Overcast to start, but then it started to rain, or maybe 'heavy drizzle' is a better term. Out of town, then at the 46 km point onto small roads.
This is split bamboo being dried beside the road
It was a mix of roads, much of it new concrete, some of which is already broken suggesting that it isn't all great quality.
Then we had lunch, back onto a good highway, but the traffic uses the autoroute over bridges and through tunnels rather than climb through a pass into Wuyishan, so traffic wasn't an issue. From 73 km to 87 km, we climbed from about 150 m to 750 km. We were in cloud at the top of the climb, but the reward was the other side... drier, warmer, beautiful valleys.

As nice as the countryside is, it seems that we're frequently
inhaling smoke from open fires in the fields or often garbage that
is burnt on the roadside.
Wuyishan is a popular holiday destination for the Chinese. We're beginning to feel that we're getting away from big cities and urban sprawl.

One of the hostels
 Sunday 29 September - Rest day?... well... call it a non-riding day.

First priority was washing clothes... that was a mixed success because the area ran out of water before they were rinsed. Used the leftover water in my Camelback to rinse as best we could... then a lazy afternoon, we both got a massage in town, not as good as Natalia's, but still great.

Tomorrow it's back on the bikes.

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